Community, Not-for-profit, and Interest Groups, don’t they all sound the same? This is what makes the topic interesting as differentiating between the three will be covered. Albeit different in many ways, they have similarities as well. What are you waiting for, read on to find out more about their inherent similarities and differences!
These organizations are similar in various ways. For them, profit is not their main objective. In addition, they are similar in having an ideology, which is their reason for existence. These organizations exist outside corporate and government spheres, and they attempt to persuade and influence governments to accede to their requests.
A community ideology is shaped by the reality that is dominant in the society. Existing ideologies are reshaped to suit the community purpose, and for social justice. For community groups, supporting each other is important in relationship building, and this is an important strategy for the organization to succeed. For example, Pink Dot has successfully garnered support from the media and public by coming up with new ways to make these old concepts fresh, and support the freedom of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals to love.
A not-for-profit ideology is shaped based on the support and assistance from the masses. They are organizations who adopt either liberal or conservative ideologies, and they work closely with the government to achieve their goals. The ideology of not-for-profit organizations is thus based on that of support and maintenance of others over self. For example, the Salvation Army has volunteers to support their cause to help those in need, and the organization is also supported by the Singapore government, and thus has strong media relationships.
Interest group ideology is shaped by self, and self-interest and self-reliance is the underpinning of their ideology, which is based on the relationship between humans and nature. They form to take action either against an activity or to promote an activity. Special interest groups formed in Singapore includes groups to promote Cosplay and gaming through the internet.
In understanding the nature and ideology of the organization by analyzing its strategies and tactics implemented, PR practitioners are able to better understand their policies.
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